Life with Kimmy

I am a single mom, raising Kim has been a challenge. She is quite artistic. She loves art, to dance and act. It has been fun watching her grow, even though my money wallet has turned into a coin purse I am glad to see her pursuing her dreams! Hope you enjoy the blog.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Watching the Academy Awards 2006

I regret to say we haven't seen the other movies yet!
Oh yes, we did see WALK THE LINE and it was Very Good!
My memories of Johnny Cash is when I was a little girl,
we would visit Grandpa and Grandma Chaffin - Grandpa
Chaffin would lay in bed in the mornings with the Radio
turned on next to his bed and listen to the country station.
Johnny Cash would always be on. I would
crawl into bed next to Grandpa as he layed on his back
propped up on a pillow, and puffing on his pipe,
he would stretch out his arm so that
I could lay next to him and I would look up at him and
we would listen to Johnny Cash together. He usually would
just stare straight ahead, but sometimes he would look
down at me and smile. Very special memories!

Kim is supposed to be doing her homework as we
watch the Academy Awards. She has a break tonight,
no "Cabaret" tonight. Last night was a success,
they filled the house again, not one empty seat!

We are excited about the Project Runway Finale!
We are voting for Santino! Come on Santino,

Kim went to a cast party last night at the "Mansion".
Some cute pics. If I can talk her into letting me show them.


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